Guide of good practices in the use of trademarks or other indications of the company MAGNOLIA CLOTHING S.L. (MEISÏE) in connection with the diffusion (reproduction) of its products in any medium or support.
These indications refer to the possible use/diffusion/reproduction of the products of MAGNOLIA CLOTHING S.L. and the necessary mention of the corresponding brand name (or other distinctive signs) of this company on the social networks, platforms and/or internet pages of third persons.
In accordance with the general guidelines derived from the applicable regulations (among others, the Unfair Competition Act 3/91, General Advertising Act 34/1988, Information Society Services Act 34/2002), all advertising communications must explicitly state the advertising nature of such communication, in order to be easily identifiable as advertising by followers/consumers. In addition, and with regard to the products of MAGNOLIA CLOTHIG S.L., any user of the same is urged, in relation to the use of the brands or other distinctive signs of Magnolia Clothing (hereinafter, MEISÏE):
- In the mentions or in the digital content disclosed by those with which MEISÏE products are advertised, announced or exposed, the images or texts themselves are "tagged" with references to MEISÏE (in a way that allows redirection to the company's website), always, and especially when in the same publication other references to third part brands are also tagged (including, among them, the third person/user's own brand).
- In general, it is recommended to adopt both in the insertion of images and in the eventual texts that may accompany all measures considered appropriate for the purpose of avoiding confusion in the followers/consumers regarding MEISÏE and its specific business origin, and this not only in own publications but also when the influencer shares or "reposts" a certain content in other networks, platforms or web pages.
- Also, as for the own images that are inserted of MEISÏE products, or publications in which such images are inserted, it is recommended that these meet the required standards of quality so as not to detract from the image of MEISÏE or may adversely affect its reputation.
- Regarding the way to include some of the mentions or "tags" mentioned above, the following example list is included as a guide as an annex to the "Code of Conduct on the use of influencers in advertising" approved by the AUTOCONTROL entity.
Example list of recommended locations for the identification of advertising mentions or content